
发布时间: 2023-06-08       分类:  石油词汇(A-Z) 钻井英语
英文 中文
Run complete. 完成跑步目标
Well done, Emily. Five point three miles. Forty-one minutes. 好样的 艾米丽 总共8.5公里 41分钟
Eighteen seconds faster than yesterday. 比昨天快18秒
Good effort. 再接再厉
Madeline, you’re in Adweek. 玛德琳 你上了”广告周刊”
What? Where? 什么 哪里
Right here, under “Movers and Shakers.” 在”大人物”专栏下
“Chicago-based Gilbert Group “总部位于芝加哥的吉尔伯特集团
expands international portfolio 成功扩张国际企业版图
with acquisition of French luxury marketing company Savoir. 收购法国奢华品牌营销公司萨维尔
Gilbert Group vet, Madeline Wheeler, 吉尔伯特集团资深领导 玛德琳·惠勒
named director of marketing for Franco firm.” 获委任为该法国公司市场营销经理”
Yes! I am here to prove 太好了 我的存在证明了
that a master’s in French does not go to waste. 法语硕士学位是有用的
This is going to be amazing for you. 这也太棒了
I have been dreaming of moving to Paris forever. 我这辈子都梦想着搬到巴黎去住
I mean, French men, they love older women, you know? 法国男人都爱年纪较大的女人
Look at their president. He’s young. He’s hot. 瞧瞧法国总统 年轻帅气
He married his schoolteacher. 却娶了他的中学老师
I just emailed you my thoughts on the presentation for the new IBS drug. 我刚把IBS新药简报的想法邮件发给你了
It’s a social initiative to add meditation to your medication. 社会倡导 将冥想与药物治疗结合
If you like it, you can pitch it later. Uh, you know, for your last hurrah. 待会你可以向客户推介 就当是你的最后一战
– I want you to pitch it. – Seriously? -我想让你去推介-真的吗
Seriously. The client has to start getting comfortable with you. 真的 客户开始对你有信心了
I don’t want to step on your toes. 我不想逾越本分
You’re not. You’re stepping into my shoes. You’re ready, okay? 不会 你是替代我 你准备好了
This is an opportunity for both of us. Come here. Try this. 这对我俩来说都是大好机会 来试试这个
What is it? 这是什么
De L’Heure. 这款香水叫”时间”
It’s the latest fragrance from Maison Lavaux. 拉沃家族新推出的香水
I’ll be handling them, their account in Paris. What do you think? 我会负责它在法国的营销业务 你觉得怎样
It’s like wearing poetry. 就像把诗擦在身上一样
I’m gonna use that. 我要引用你这句话
Oh, that smells really wei… Does that smell weird to you? 闻起来真的怪… 你不觉得奇怪吗
– No, just floral. – But… -不会啊 就是花香-可是…
I’m gonna be sick. I’m gonna be sick. 我要吐了
– Hi, babe! 宝贝
– Yes! – What happened? -太棒了-怎么回事
Bote just smacked a walk-off grand slam, two outs left in the bottom of the ninth. 博特刚击出了一记再见全垒打 九局下 两出局
– Oh, my God! – Hell yeah! -天啊-好啊
Yeah! Cubs are goin’ to the playoffs, baby! 小熊队要进季后赛了 宝贝
– Can we get a couple of beers here? – White wine, actually. -可以来几杯啤酒吗-给我一杯白葡萄酒
– Anything French, if you have it. – For sure. -法国葡萄酒 如果有的话-没问题
I have some crazy news. 我有个重大消息要宣布
– Madeline’s pregnant. – Madeline? -玛德琳怀孕了-玛德琳
Like, your boss, Madeline? 你是指你的上司 玛德琳
– Thought she was too old to get pregnant. – Well, so did she. -我以为她已经老得不能怀孕了-她也这么想
Until she got completely nauseous sniffing this perfume 直到她闻了她将负责推销的香水
she was planning to promote. She went to the doctor this afternoon. 吐得一塌糊涂 下午她到诊所确定了
– Wow. So, who’s the dad? – Oh, well, there are a few candidates. -天啊 孩子的爸是谁-有好几个人选
– She was having a lot of going-away sex. – Hey. Go, Madeline. -她有很多一夜情对象-玛德琳真厉害
But now that she’s pregnant, she’s decided she’s not gonna take the job in Paris. 但她因为怀了 决定不去巴黎工作了
So, there goes your promotion? 所以你升职的希望没了
Not exactly. They still need someone there. 也不是 公司还是需要派人到法国
Like, American eyes and ears to help with the whole transition. 提供美国方面的意见 让整个转型过程更顺利
So they asked me if I would take the job… 所以他们问我愿不愿意接下这份工作…
for a year. 为时一年
What? In Paris? 什么 去巴黎
They said that if I did 高层说如果我愿意
that they’d guarantee me senior brand manager when I’m back. 他们保证 回来后升我为高级品牌经理
So, the apartment there is already all set up, 法国那边 公寓已经准备好了
and there’s a relocation bonus. 我还会获得一笔安置费
And just to explore the idea, 然后看看这样行不行得通
here’s a spreadsheet I made for the next year. 这是我做的明年的日程表
Weeks when you might be able to come to Paris, 哪几个星期你可以来巴黎
times I can come back to Chicago, 哪几个星期我可以回到芝加哥
taking into consideration vacation and sick days. 也包括假期和病假
Wait. 等一下
You’re serious? 你是认真的
I know it’s crazy, but when will we get a chance like this? 我知道这很疯狂 但这可是千载难逢的机会
– It’ll be an adventure. – Unless I missed something, -这将是一次冒险-据我所知
you don’t speak French. 你不会说法语
Fake it till you make it. 那就装懂 直到真懂
You look worried. 你好像很担心的样子
Oh, I’m not worried. It’s the French who should be worried. 我不担心 那些法国人才应该担心
– Uh, Emily Cooper? – Yes. -你是艾米丽·库珀吗-我是
I’m Gilles Dufour from the rental agency. 我是租房中介公司的吉尔·杜福
– Hi. Bonjour. – Bonjour. -你好-你好
I’ve got your keys. Apartment 501. 这是你的钥匙 501房
– Merci. – Avec plaisir. -谢谢-乐意效劳
Hi. 你好
The building is very old. 这栋楼很老了
– It doesn’t have an elevator. – Okay. -没有电梯-好的
It’s charming. 好漂亮啊
Is this it? 到了吗
It’s on the fifth floor. 你的公寓在五楼
This is the fourth floor. 这是四楼
I just schlepped up these bags five flights. 虽然我拖着这些行李转了五趟航班
This is the fifth floor. 但我很确定这是五楼
In France, first the ground floor, 在法国 先是底楼
then the first floor, then the second floor, and so on. 再来才是一楼 二楼 以此类推
That’s weird. 真奇怪
Non, c’est normal. 不 挺正常的
Et voilà. 到了
Your magnificent chambre de bonne. 你的保姆房
Chambre de what now? 保什么来着
Chambre de b… It means, uh, the room for the housekeeper. “保姆房”… 就是佣人住的房间
The top two floors were typically reserved for the servants. 最高两层通常专为佣人而设
The space is small, but the view… 空间虽小 但风景…
Oh, my God, I feel like Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge! 天啊 我感觉自己像”红磨坊”里的妮可·基德曼
You’ve got all of Paris at your feet. 整个巴黎都在你脚下了
There is a wonderful café just down below. 底下有家很棒的咖啡馆
A friend of mine is the manager. 经理是我朋友
So, ça va? It’s good? 怎么样 还行吧
Oui. Oui. Très good. 很好 非常好
– Très wonderful. – Great. -太棒了-那就好
Are you hungry? Would you like to have a coffee or…? 你饿吗 要不要喝杯咖啡或者…
Actually, I have to get to my office. 其实我得赶去公司了
Maybe you want to have a drink tonight? 今晚你想出来喝一杯吗
I have a boyfriend. 我有男朋友了
– In Paris? – In Chicago. -他在巴黎吗-在芝加哥
So you don’t have a boyfriend in Paris. 所以你在巴黎没有男朋友
– Can I just get my keys, s’il vous plaît? – Yeah. -请把钥匙交给我 好吗-好
My number is on the card if you need me for anything, 名片上有我的电话 如果有什么事
– and in case you change your mind. – I won’t. -或者你改变主意了 不妨找我-不会的
– Bye-bye, now. – Yeah. -再见-好
Hi. Hello. 你好
Uh, bonjour. I’m Emily Cooper from the Gilbert Group in Chicago. 我是艾米丽·库珀 来自芝加哥吉尔伯特集团
You are? 你是…
I’m sorry. I don’t understand. 不好意思 我听不懂
I’m going to be working in this office. 我将会来这里上班
Je vais travailler dans ce bureau. 我将会来这里上班
The American girl is here. 那个美国女孩到了
Bonjour. 你好
I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow. 我以为你明天才来报到
How was your journey here? The new apartment and everything? 行程顺利吗 新公寓怎么样
You lost me at bonjour. “你好”之后我就听不懂了
Yeah, I was told the American coming here spoke French. 他们跟我说 来这儿的美国人会说法语
That was Madeline. 那是玛德琳
So you’re not Madeline. 原来你不是玛德琳
I’m Emily. Emily Cooper. And I am so excited to be here. 我是艾米丽·库珀 很高兴能来到这里
Well, that’s very unfortunate. 那也太可惜了
– Excuse me? – That you don’t speak French. -你说什么-你不会说法语
It’s a problem. 这是个大问题
Well, I’m going to take a class, but… 我打算去上法语课 不过…
…je parle un peu français already. 其实我会说一点法语
Well, perhaps it’s better not to try. 你还是别尝试了
Paul. 保罗
May I introduce Emily, 介绍给你认识 这是艾米丽
the American girl who’s come to work with us? 来和我们一起工作的美国姑娘
This is Monsieur Brossard, he’s the founder of Savoir. 这是萨维尔公司的创始人 布洛萨德先生
– Emily Cooper. – Hello. -艾米丽·库珀-你好
It is so nice to meet you, Monsieur Brossard. 布洛萨德先生 很高兴见到你
It’s a pleasure. Welcome to Paris. 幸会 欢迎来到巴黎
So, you’ve come to teach the French some American tricks? 你是来教法国人一些美国人的招数吗
I’m sure we have a lot to learn from each other. 我相信我们有很多可以互相学习的地方
But your experience is not with fashion 但你没有推销时装
– and luxury brands, hm? – True. -以及奢侈品牌的经验-没错
Most of my experience has been in promoting pharmaceuticals 我的经验以推销药物
and geriatric care facilities. 和老人保健设备为主
In Chicago. 在芝加哥
Yes. I mean, oui. 对 没错
I was in Chicago once, 我去过一次芝加哥
and I ate the deep-dish pizza. 还吃了厚底披萨
That is our specialty. 这是芝加哥的特色菜
We take a lot of pride. 是我们的骄傲
It was, uh, dégueulasse. How you say? 感觉很… 英语怎么说
Disgusting. 恶心
Like a quiche made of cement. 像水泥做的法式咸派
Oh, no, you must have gone to Lou Malnati’s. 你肯定是去了鲁玛纳蒂披萨屋
And the people are so fat. 而且芝加哥人都很胖
Why are they all so fat? 他们为什么都那么胖
Well, perhaps from the disgusting food. 可能是恶心的食物吃多了
True, we are in the midst of an obesity epidemic. 确实 我们正面临流行性肥胖症的问题
In fact, Merck was one of our biggest clients. 默克药厂是我们最大的客户之一
They make a diabetes drug that we marketed the heck out of. 他们的一种糖尿病药 在我们推广下大卖
Sales went up 63 percent. 销量提升了63%
So you create the disease, then you treat the disease, 所以你们制造疾病 然后治疗疾病
and then you market the treatments of the disease. 还有推广治疗疾病的药物
– Well… – Perhaps stop eating. -这…-不吃不就得了
– There is no money in that. – True. -那就没钱赚了-也对
Cigarettes cause diabetes and cancer. 抽烟也会引发糖尿病和癌症
Yes. 没错
Well, smoking is a pleasure. 但抽烟是种乐趣
And without pleasure, who are we? 没有乐趣 我们算什么人
German? 德国人
Exactly right. 说得没错
All of the brands we market here, from perfume to cognac to couture, 我们推广的品牌 从香水 白兰地到时装
are all to do with beauty and refinement. 皆以美和精致为主
Perhaps you have something to learn from us, 也许你可以从我们身上学到什么
but I’m not sure if we have much to learn from you. 但我不确定能从你身上学到什么
With all due respect, I have been sent here for a reason, 恕我直言 我被调派过来自有原因
so if you wouldn’t mind, I would really like to share 如果你不介意 我很乐意分享
some of my ideas about your social media strategies. 我对你们社交媒体营销策略的想法
You mean the Twitter and the Snapchat? 你是指推特和Snapchat
Yes. And the Instagram. 没错 还有ins
Ah, by all means. 行 没问题
First, let me apologize for speaking English. 首先 我为只会说英语向大家道歉
I did Rosetta Stone on the plane, but it hasn’t kicked in yet. 我在飞机上用如师通学了法语 但还没学会
Oh, Patricia doesn’t speak English. 帕特丽夏不会说英语
Please continue. 请继续说
For those of you who haven’t met me, I’m Emily Cooper, 还不认识我的各位 我叫艾米丽·库珀
and I’m so excited to be here in Paris. 很高兴能来到巴黎
I’m looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you 很期待认识你们每个人
and, likewise, having you get to know me. 也希望你们认识我
Your name, monsieur? 先生 怎么称呼
My name is Luc. 我叫卢克
Yes, Luc? 什么事 卢克
Why are you shouting? 你为什么在大声嚷嚷
Sorry. 不好意思
Your company works with some of the biggest brands 你们公司跟不少知名奢侈品牌合作
in the luxury sector, from Chanel to YSL. 包括香奈儿和圣罗兰
And that makes Savoir, your company, or, if I may be so bold, 因此你们公司… 请允许我大胆地说
our company, a brand in itself. 我们公司 也自成一个品牌
But to build a brand, 但要建立品牌
you must create meaningful social media engagement. 你们必须有效利用社交媒体
May I ask who’s responsible for your social media here? 我想知道 在座是谁负责社交媒体宣传
Patricia. 帕特丽夏
Makes sense. 可想而知
Anyway, 总之
it’s not just about the number of followers. 重点不是粉丝人数多少
It’s about content, trust, interest, and engagement. 而是内容 信任 兴趣和互动
Excuse me, but the French are masters of social media. 不好意思 法国人可是社交媒体大师
True. 没错
But Americans invented it, 但社交媒体是美国人发明的
which is why I hope to become a valuable member of your team 所以我希望能成为你们团队中有价值的人才
by adding an American point of view to your fabulous French clients. 为法国客户群体贡献一点美国人的想法
It’s a disaster. 完了
Paul. 保罗
– What? – Who is that girl? -什么事-那个女孩是谁
It was one of the terms of the sale. 这是收购条款之一
They send us one of their people. 他们会派人过来
– How long do we have to put up with this? – Well, until she decides to leave. -我们还要忍多久-直到她决定离开为止
Quoi? 什么
With me as her boss, we’ll see how long she lasts. 有我做她上司 看她能坚持多久
Right, I have to go. 好吧 我得走了
It’s amazing, isn’t it? 很漂亮吧
The entire city looks like Ratatouille. 整个城市就像”料理鼠王”里的场景
It’s beautiful. 好美啊
So beautiful. 太美了
Hey, how was the first day? 第一天过得怎样
Great. 很好
Okay, maybe a few things got lost in translation. 好吧 因为语言不通闹了些笑话
It took them a minute to realize I was me and not Madeline, 好一会儿他们才意识到我不是玛德琳
but I really feel like I could be a big asset here. 但我感觉 我真的能帮到他们很多
Hey, look what I got. 看我弄到了什么
Thank God! You’re gonna love Paris. 谢天谢地 你一定会爱上巴黎的
I don’t want to spend another day in the most romantic city in the world 世界上最浪漫的城市没有你 我也不想多待一天
– without you. – I’ll be there soon, okay? 我很快就会去看你了 好吗
Hurry. I miss you already here. 快点 我已经开始想你了
Bye. 再见
Ugh, seriously? 不会吧
God. 天啊
Okay. 好了
Come on. 别闹了
This can’t be happening. Come on. 不会吧 别闹了
Sorry, I… 不好意思 我…
I thought this was my apartment. Fifth floor? 我以为这是我的公寓 这是五楼吗
This is the fourth floor. 这是四楼
Fifth floor. 上面才是五楼
Right. 你说得对
Merci. 谢谢
I’m Emily. Emily Cooper, your… your new neighbor. 我是艾米丽·库珀 你的… 新邻居
American? 美国人
Oui. From Chicago. 对 来自芝加哥
Gabriel, French, from Normandy. 我叫加百列 法国人 来自诺曼底
I know that beach. Saving Private Ryan. 我知道那个海滩 “拯救大兵瑞恩”
– What? – D-Day? -什么-登陆日
Uh, anyway. 算了
Nice to meet you, neighbor. 很高兴认识你 邻居
Enchanté. 幸会
Bonsoir. 晚安
♪ Take your seat here, baby ♪ ♪ 坐下吧 宝贝 ♪
♪ You know you can have A really good time… ♪ ♪ 你一定会享受美好的时光 ♪
Good morning, miss. 小姐 早上好
Une pain au chocolat. 巧可力面包
Un! Pas “une”. Un pain au chocolat. 巧克力 巧克力面包
Merci. Have un bonne journée. 谢谢 祝您今天愉快
♪ Take your seat here, baby ♪ ♪ 坐下吧 宝贝 ♪
♪ You know you can have A really good time ♪ ♪ 你一定会享受美好的时光 ♪
Oh, my God. 天啊
Oh, my God. 天啊
♪ Do you feel on track? ♪ ♪ 你感觉对吗 ♪
♪ Do you feel on track? ♪ ♪ 你感觉对吗 ♪
♪ I see you in the darkness, baby ♪ ♪ 我看到你在黑暗中 宝贝 ♪
– ♪ Surrounded by the moonlight, baby ♪ – Oh, my God. -♪ 被月光环抱着 ♪-天啊
♪ Baby, so obsessed Lost in your head jest ♪ ♪ 为你沉醉 迷失在你怀里 ♪
♪ Come on, take your seat here, baby ♪ ♪ 来吧 坐下吧 宝贝 ♪
♪ You know you can have ♪ ♪ 你一定会享受到 ♪
♪ A really good time… ♪ ♪ 美好的时光… ♪
♪ A good time ♪ ♪ 美好的时光 ♪
Sylvie, it’s Emily. Are we closed today, 希尔薇 我是艾米丽 今天公司放假吗
or is there a national holiday I don’t know about? 还是什么我不知道的公共假期
‘Cause I’ve been hanging around here for two hours and… 因为我足足等了两个小时…
What are you doing? 你在干什么
I’ve been here since 8:30. 我早上8点半就到了
Pourquoi? We open at 10:30. 为什么 我们10点半上班
– Bonjour! – Bonjour! -你好-你好
Hi Patricia. I’m wondering if I can share some ideas I have 帕特丽夏 我想分享一些
about how we might enhance our social media engagement. 提升社交媒体互动率的想法
I’m so excited about the potential here. 我对你们的潜质很有信心
Je comprends pas. 我听不懂
Patricia, I’d like to share some ideas 帕特丽夏 我想分享一些
about how we might enhance our social media engagement. 提升社交媒体互动率的想法
Non, non. 不不
– Do you wanna have lunch? – No, I’ll have a cigarette. -一起吃午餐吗-不了 我抽根烟就行
I have a… bad stomach. 我闹肚子了
I have a previous engagement. 我已经有约了
– Excusez-moi! – Laurent! Sybil! -不好意思-劳伦 西比尔
Apologize to the lady! 向这位女士道歉
I’m sorry. Can I buy you another one? 抱歉 我赔你一个行吗
Sorry, I don’t speak French. 不好意思 我不会说法语
– Ah, American? – Yes. -你是美国人-对
But did you think that I was French? 你以为我是法国人吗
Honestly, no. I was being polite. You… look American. 其实没有 我只是客气一下 你看着就像美国人
Are you from Indiana? 你来自印第安纳州吗
– Chicago. – I was close. -我来自芝加哥-很接近了
I went to junior high in Indianapolis. 我在印第安纳波利斯读高中
Oh, cool. No way! Why? 天啊 不会吧 怎么会
Long story. 说来话长
Very boring. 我的故事很无聊
The story and… Indianapolis. 印第安纳波利斯也是
But the girls, they look like you. Nice. 但那里的女孩看起来跟你一样 很友善
– Are those your children? – No, I’m their nanny. -他们是你的孩子吗-不 我是他们的保姆
Laurent! Stay where I can see you. 劳伦 待在我能看到你的地方
I’m teaching them Mandarin. 我教他们中文
How long have you been here? 你待在法国多久了
Almost a year. From Shanghai. 差不多一年了 我来自上海
But my mother’s from Korea. Another long, boring story. 但我妈是韩国人 这也是说来话长
– Do you love it? – Uh, yes, of course I love Paris. -你喜欢法国吗-当然了 我很喜欢巴黎
And the food is so delicious. 这里的食物很好吃
The fashion, so chic. 时装很潮
The lights, so magical. 灯光好美
But the people… so mean. 只是人也很刻薄
– I mean, they can’t all be mean. – Oh, yes, they can. -不是所有人都很刻薄吧 -不 所有人
Chinese people are mean behind your back. 中国人会在背后挖苦人
French people, mean to your face. 但法国人会当着面挖苦你
– But you’re on vacation here, so… – Oh, no. Actually, I work here. -幸好你是来度假的…-不 其实我是来工作的
I have a job with a French marketing firm. 我在一家法国营销策划公司上班
– Seriously? – Yeah. -真的吗-真的
Well, so you know. 那你应该懂
Well, I just started. 我刚刚才来巴黎
– Do you have any friends in Paris? – Uh, no. -你在巴黎有朋友吗-没有
But my boyfriend’s coming next week to visit, so… 但我男朋友下周会来看我
Are you lonely? 你寂寞吗
No… 不会
– Sometimes. – Give me your phone. -有时候-把你手机给我
Okay, so here’s my number. 好了 这是我的电话号码
If you’re lonely, you text me, we have dinner. I’m Mindy. 寂寞时给我发短信 我们一起吃晚饭 我叫明迪
Emily. 我叫艾米丽
Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你
French people do this. 这是法国人的作风
Sybil! Laurent! 西比尔 劳伦
– You’re not my mother! – I want an ice cream! -你又不是我妈-我要吃冰淇淋
Bonjour, la plouc! 你好 “拉普鲁克”
Bonjour, la plouc! 你好 “拉普鲁克”
Bonjour, la… 你好 拉…
Bonjour! 你好
What is “la plouc”? 什么是”拉普鲁克”
It’s a little term of endearment, like mon petit chou, la plouc… 一种昵称 就像 我的小可爱…
Nice. 你人很好的意思
Don’t worry about it. 别在意
La plouc. 拉普鲁克
The hick. 乡巴佬
Bonjour. 你好
Vous attendez quelqu’un? 这儿有人吗
Sorry, I don’t speak French. 不好意思 我不会说法语
I’m sorry. Um, is the seat free? 抱歉 这位子有人吗
– Uh, yes… yes, please. Yeah. – Yeah? Okay. -没有 请便-是吗 好
Thank you. 谢谢
艾米丽·库珀 没问题 想你
– Emily. – Luc! Hi. -艾米丽-卢克 你好
I just want to say I am sorry for this. 我想跟你道歉
I do not agree to calling you “la plouc.” 我觉得不该叫你乡巴佬
And… I can, uh…? 我可不可以…
Yes. 可以
You know… 你知道…
– Mm, I’m good. – Okay. -不用了-好吧
You know, we are all a little afraid of you. 你知道吗 我们都有点怕你
What? 什么
Afraid of me? 怕我
How? 怎么说
Your ideas. 你的想法
They are more new. Maybe they are better. 更加新颖 甚至更好
Now you are here, and, 自从你来了以后
maybe we feel we have to work harder, 我们总觉得必须更努力工作
make more money. 挣更多钱
It’s a balance. 工作和生活要平衡
Ex… Exactly. A balance. 没错 要平衡
And I think the Americans have the wrong balance. 我认为美国人对平衡的定义不对
You live to work. 你们活着是为了工作
We work to live. 我们工作是为了生活
Yes, it’s good to make money, but what you say is success, 挣钱固然没错 但你们定义的成功
I say is punishment. 我倒认为是惩罚
But… I enjoy work… 可是我享受工作
and accomplishment. It… 和工作上的成就
It makes me happy. 这能让我快乐
Work makes you happy? 工作让你快乐
Yes. I mean, it’s… it’s why I’m here. 对啊 所以我才来了巴黎
For work. 为了工作
And look where it’s brought me. To this beautiful city. 你瞧 是工作把我带到了这座美丽的城市
Maybe you don’t know what it is to be happy. 也许你并不理解什么是快乐
Or maybe that’s a little arrogant. 也许你有点太自以为是了
You came to Paris and you don’t speak French. 你来到巴黎 却不会说法语
That is arrogant. 这才叫自以为是
More ignorant than arrogant. 与其说自以为是 不如说是无知
Well, let’s call it the arrogance of ignorance. 姑且称之为因为无知 所以自以为是吧
I’m sorry if I offended you. 如果冒犯了你 我向你道歉
I’m not offended by anything. 我没觉得被冒犯
I see you tomorrow, Emily. 明天见 艾米丽
Don’t be early. 别太早到
There you are. 终于见到你了
Is everything okay? 还好吗
Yeah, I just finally got home from work. 很好 刚下班回到家
It’s 3:00 a.m. here. 这边是凌晨3点
It’s 7:00 p.m. here. 这边是晚上7点
What are you doin’? 你在干什么
Sleeping. 睡觉
I miss you so much. 我很想你
And I miss you too. 我也很想你
Hello? Doug? 道格
Get naked with me. 你也脱光吧
Are we having cybersex? 要玩”网交”是吗
Well… if you insist. 这… 你说是就是吧
Hold on. 等一下
You better not be recording this. 你最好别在录像
No. Never. 不会 才不会
You are so beautiful. 你好美
Mm, thanks. 谢谢
So… 那…
…you do you, and… 你做你的 我…
I’ll do me. 我做我的
That feel good? 爽吗
– Yeah. – How good? -很爽-有多爽
Oh, you’re so sexy. 你好性感
I feel… 我感觉…
Oh, my God. 天啊
I feel overwhelmed. I… 好爽 我快…
I feel like myself but not myself, and… 我感觉身体不受控制了
it’s all so crazy. 真不可思议
It’s crazy, but it’s… it’s nice, and… 很不可思议 但很爽
it’s kinda sexy, but… 很性感 可是…
And I… 我快…
Doug? 道格
Doug? Babe? 道格 宝贝
Doug? 道格
There you are. 找到你了
Okay. 好了
Okay. 很好
my God. 天啊