
发布时间: 2022-01-18       分类:  钻井英语

Rig’s function tested (1) 钻机功能测试(1)

Supervisor: Mr. Liu. Let’s do rig’s function tested.


Rig manager: Ok! We have finished 100% rig up and modified a lot according to your requirement.


Supervisor: That’s good.  Let’s go.


Rig manager: Will it start from the rig floor?


D.S.: yes.


R.M.: Mr. Wang (driller’s name), Ask engineman start one engine and switch on SCR. We’ll test rig’s function.


Driller: We’re ready. Where will we start from?


D.S.: Test Emergency shut off at first.


D: Please check sir. SCR running lights are off now. SCR is offline.


D.S.: Ok. Crown block protector valve.


D:   Please sir. Drawworks stop.  Protector works reliably.


D.S.: Have you calibrated the make-up tong gauge, weight gauge, and mud monitor system.


D.:  Let me show you.


D.S.: You do very well. test high-pressure mud system.


D.S.: Low pressure is 500psi for 5 minutes. High pressure is 3000psi for 5 minutes.


R.M.: Ask A.D. to check the pump and Valve manifold on the ground.  You check the valve manifold on the rig floor carefully. Ensure all valves closed or opened are incorrect way. You’re in charge of pressure test as per company man requirement.


D:   (Tell floorman). We’ll test the NO.1 pump at the first step. Please ask A.D. reset relief valves at 3500psi, and check all valves close or open are incorrect position. Please give me a signal after he is ready.


Function tested(2) 功能测试(2)

D.S: Well. Run the TDS at 50\100\150rpm. I’ll check whether it has noise and oil leaks for TDS.


D: (5 minutes later) we have changed those oil pipes and fits during the rig move. I can sure oil leak will not occur again in this well.


D.S: well. Stop. Let’s check the illuminating system of the mast.


D: Ok. 2minutes, Let me look for the electrician to come here.


D.S.: Where is your switch panel?


Elec: it’s in the doghouse.


D.S: Are they fit API standards?


Elec: Don’t worry. I have had oilfield experience for 10 years. There is a hazard zone on the rig floor and around the rig. Any electric equipment should abide by zone-1 section A standard.


D.S.: Are there safety lines with lights on the mast.


Elec: I install safety lines for every light.


Elec: 10 sets of light assembly and 40 lamps in storage house. 2 each kind of switches as you know, our base is 100 kilometers away from here.


D.S.: let’s go to mud tank, check the solid control system.


D: sorry. Toolpusher is in charge of it.


T.P.: Solid control system is consisted of 3 shale shakers 1 degasser, 1 desander, 1 desilter, 6 mud guns and 6 agitators.


D.S.: What size is the screen on the shale shaker?


T.P. : There are 100 meshes on this shale shaker, others are 175 meshes.


D.S.: Please change it to 80 meshes for spudding; turn on shale shaker one by one. Let’s check work conditions.


T.P.: Ok. I’ll ask mud boy to do this work.


D.S.: Where are desilter, desander and supply pumps?


T.P.: There are desilter and desander on the NO.3 shale shaker. The supply pump is located at each side of the mud tank.


D.S. Oh, I see. Thanks. Please open all cones I want to check inside whether they are worn out or plugged off.


T.P: We change 3 cones, all nozzles and clean them inside before rigging up.


D.S: Turn on the pump.


T.P.: I’m sorry. There is fresh water in the tank even if they work. We can’t see anything out of the cone.


D.S: Oh. You’re right. I forget.


Mud pump 泥浆泵

A: Where is mud pump?


B: Not here on rig floor. Follow me then show you.


(two minutes later两分钟后)

B: Here. There are two mud pumps sucking mud direct from mud tank NO.3.


A: What size of line on mud pump now?


B: 160mm.


A: Have you charged nitrogen to the pulsation dampener on high-pressure discharge side?


B: Yes. Mechanic did it yesterday.


A: Do you know safety precautions peculiar to this job?


B: Yes. A working permit should be done. Ensure charging gas is nitrogen, etc.


A: How long time do you spend changing one line?


B: Normally. It’s 20 minutes.


A: Have you cleaned suction filter?


B: Yes. We do it each shift.


A: How many strokes now?



Ⅳ Hoisting system

A: What is hoisting system?

B: The hoisting system is made up of the drawworks. The crownblock, the traveling block and drilline.

A: What is the drawworks?

B: The drawworks is a big, heavy piece of machinery, which rails and low heavy loads. Example. Pull out or put in drillpipe, casings.

A: What’s is the cathead?

B: Two cathead are mounted an each end of the catshaft, which extends out from both side of the drawworks. It can be used to makeup or break out the drill string. So we call them makeup cathead, break out cathead. They are friction cathead.

A: Where is hydraulic cat head?

B: Oh. Floor man call it easy-torque. It is opposite side of driller. It plays a important part when breakout and make up the bigger size drill collar.

A: You know. The brake system is very important device on drawworks. Can you describe it for me?

B: I’m glad. I agree with you. It has a main brake and an auxiliary brake. We always see two types of main brake. One is brand type brake, the other is disco main brake. They can stop drum by friction.

A; what’s an auxiliary brake?

B: An auxiliary brake is hydraulic or electric brake. It can work with main brake together.

A: Which kind of auxiliary brake is fitted with your drawworks?

B: It’s an Eddy current brake

A: Does fit a flow sensor and temperature alarm to the brake cooling water return line?

B: No. There is only a flow sensor was fitted on return line.

A: Where is traveling block and hook?

B: please see from top to bottom is the crown block, traveling block, hook, and swivel that hose is called rotary hose.

A: What size of drilling line?

B: It’s 1 3/8”.

A: Have you NDT inspected deadline anchor?

B: As you know. Deadline anchor was inspected at last well.


ⅤRotating Equipment

A: Can you tell me rotating equipment.

B: Let me try the assembly of members between the swivel and the bit is called rotating equipment.

A: Please tell me all parts of the assembly.

B: Ok. It includes the Kelly, drill pipes, drill collars.

A: What’s Kelly?

B: It’s a short piece of a square or hexagonal pipe. Whichit is drived by rotary table.

A: What function does swivel have?

B: It’s a important part in drilling action, because swivel sustains the weight of the drill string. It permit the string to rotate and offer a rotating, pressure tight seal and passageway for drilling mud.

A: How about rotary table?

B: Rotary table locate the center of drilling floor. It transfer the rotating motion to the drill string, the drill string drive bit to rotate. Then bit cut and grind rock.