井场用语,钻井常用短语及句子-钻井液(Drilling fluid)

发布时间: 2022-01-17       分类:  钻井英语
  1. Careful and keep away. It’s caustic soda. 小心,离远点,这是烧碱。

Thank you. 谢谢。

  1. Mix two bags of LCM in mud system. 在泥浆中加两袋读漏剂。
  2. 好吧。
  • Don’t forget to record trip tank volume during tripping.


  • There is an increase in No. 3 mud tank, because I’m transferring mud to that tank.


  • We need lightweight, low-viscosity mud in surface drilling.


  • Now we pump 5 barrels of hi-vis mud to sweep the hole. You tell me how many strokes. 现在我们打5桶高粘清扫井眼,你告诉我是多少冲。
  • Get weighting materials (chemicals) ready. We need to increase mud weight.


  • The sand trap if full of cuttings. It needs cleaning.


  • The tripping out is stopped for flowcheck.


10、How many barrels (strokes) to make a circulation to surface?


11、Get the water tank full all the time. 要保持清水罐的水满。

12、Inform drill floor and mud logging unit before you transfer mud.


13、Keep good communication with floor while killing the well.


14、One shaker screen is damaged. We need to change a new one.


15、Get water ready. We’ll flush the line after cementing operation.


16、Use 5 barrels of hi-vis mud to spot the bottom before tripping out.


  • Circulate the hole clean with two returns. (Make two circulations to get the hole clean.) 循环两周把井眼洗井。
  • How much mud do we have in storage (in reserve tank) . 我们有多少储备泥浆?

19、I want the mud boy (periodically) check the mud weight and viscosity in every half an hour. 我要泥浆工(定期)每半小时检查泥浆比重和粘度。

20、There are three basic types of drilling fluids: air (or gas), water-based mud, and oil-based mud. 有三种基本类型的钻井液:空气、水基泥浆和油基泥浆。