井场用语,钻井常用短语及句子-下套管及固井(Casing-running & Cementing)

发布时间: 2022-01-17       分类:  钻井英语

1. “The upper 300m interval, fill the mud every three joints, later every five joints. Ok?”


2. He nodded, agreeing with him.


3. “Use trip tank to measure while filling. In addition, must be slowly while running the casing, prevent to make the formation lose circulation. About this, you must warn your driller.”


4. “Take it easy. I’ll stand beside the driller while running casing.”


5. “When to cut guide pipe and nipple up 21 1/4” rotary BOP stack?”

“什么时候割导管,安装21 1/4”旋转BOP组?”

6. “After the cement setting, you can cut guide pipe and 20”casing, and butt welding the casing head and wellhead assembly.”


7. “Fluid loss?”


8. “Less than 200ml.”


9. “Thickening time?”


10. 120-150 minutes.”


11. The pump has problems, repair it immediately. If fails,  go to borrow one.”


12. “From whom?”


13. “Rig 906.”


14. “Has the wellhead been aligned?”


15.“Of course.”


16. “Installed protective sleeve on the casing head?”


17. “Sure.”




19.“How many rounds?”


20.“18 to 20 rounds.”


21.“What happened?” The Operating Manager came and asked.


22.“The liner is worn.”




24.“It must be replaced.”


25.“Take care of safety while installation.”


26.“We will.”


27.“Notice the floor right now.”


28.“I’ve noticed the driller.”


29.“Well control may be subdivided into three phases: Primary control; Secondary control and Tertiary control. So, what is the Primary control?” Zhou asked.

“井控可细分为三个阶段:首要控制(一次井控)、二等控制(二次井控)和第三位控制(三次井控)。 那么首要控制指什么?”周队长问道。

30.If it severely loses, we can adopt the following 9 steps:


  • Observe the well.


  • Determine the depth of the mud level below the rotary table if practical. FILL THE HOLE.


  • Determine the fluid gradient which can be supported by the lost zone.


  • Mix a high concentration pill of various sized lost circulation material in 10-15 m3 of mud and spot this across or above the lost


  • Subsequently pull the bit above the lost zone, preferably into the casing, and circulate a lighter fluid throughout the system to regain returns. Always maintain the total hydrostatic head in excess of pore pressures in open hole.


  • Attempt to seal off the lost zone by spotting special lost circulation plugs, such as: Gunk, pills, cement plugs, etc.


  • Attempt to cement off the lost


  • If field experience has proven LCM materials ineffective during severe losses, pumping of cement as soon as possible will often be the best alternative.


  • When expecting lost circulation problems a LCM pill should be premixed.”


  1. In order to reduce the swabbing effect, it is good practice to follow these precautions:


  • Perform a complete circulation before pulling out.


  • Condition the mud to optimize its rheological properties;


  • Limit string pulling out speed.


32.“How many methods to circulate out kicks?”


33.“Four. The Driller’s Method; The Wait and Weight Method (supervisors method); The Volumetric Method and Bullheading. Now, listen to the brief introduction first, then the details, OK?”


34.“That’s correct. Now I’ll issue the preparations for a drill.


  • Ensure equipment for blowout prevention is always operational and available.


  • Ensure an up-to-date pre-kick record is available at all times.


  • Check the capacity of the Koomey (accumulator) unit (must be at least sufficient to close and open all preventers once and then to close the annular preventer and 1 ram type preventer again).;


  • Check that the following are present:


  • Adequate fluid in the accumulator


  • Kelly cock (in open position) with wrench on the rig floor


  • Crossovers on the kelly cock for tubulars in the drill string or tubing


  • Gray valve and matching circulating sub on the rig floor


  • Back-up circulating equipment (hose and/or chicksan lines hooked up to standpipe manifold.


  • Short pup joint (to connect to top drive).


  • Ensure the pit level and trip tank level indicators and the flow show are properly adjusted and functioning.


  • Ensure the audible alarm in the panel by the Driller is working. Note: The alarm must always be switched on.


  • Ensure the well remains filled via the trip tank at all times.


  • Place the wrench for closing the kelly cock within hands reach.


  • Ensure the valves on the BOP, kill lines, choke lines and choke manifold are correctly lined up according to the Shut-in Procedure.


  • Ensure the indicators for monitoring closing / opening of BOP rams is working correctly.


35.The above preparations must be done before a drill. Understand?”


36.“Yes, sir. We usually do like that.”


37.”The guide shoe and float-collar have been connected?


38.Yeah, they are laid down on the catwalk. Will you go to check?
