
发布时间: 2022-01-18       分类:  钻井英语


AD – Assistant driller   副司钻

API – American Petroleum Institute    美国石油学会

ASAP – As soon as possible 尽快

ASSY – Assembly 总成

AZM(AZI) – Azimuth   方位角


BBL – Barrel    桶

BHA – Bottom hole assembly   底部钻具组合

BHP – Bottom-Hole Pressure   井底压力

BHT – Bottom hole temperature 井底温度

BOP – Blow out Preventer   防喷器

BPH – Barrel per hour 桶每小时

BPV – Back pressure valve 回压凡尔

BTC – Buttress thread connection 梯型扣

BTM – Bottom 底部

BU – Balled up 泥包

BUR – Build-up rate 造斜率

B/O – Back off   卸扣


CBU – Circulation bottom-up   底部循环一周

CCA – Casing and casing annulus 套管与套管环空

CCTV – Closed-circuit television 监控系统

CDPP – Circulating drill pipe pressure   循环钻杆压力

CHC – Circulate hole clean 循环清洗井底

CMT – Cement 固井

CONN – Connect 连接

CP – Casing pressure   套管压力

CWP – Cold work permit 冷作业许可

CSG – Casing   套管

CUM – Cumulated 累积的


DC – Drill collar   钻铤

DD – Directional driller 定向井司钻

DDR – Daily drilling report 钻井日报

DEV – Deviation 井斜

DIR – Direction 定向

DLS – Dogleg severity 狗腿严重度

DP – Drill pipe   钻杆

DRG – Drilling 钻进

DSA – Double studded adapter 双栽丝法兰,双螺栓法兰

DST – Drill stem test中途测试


ECD – Equivalent circulating density   当量循环密度

EMW – Equivalent Mud Weight   当量泥浆比重

ESP – Electric submersible pump    电潜泵

EST – Estimate 评估

EU – External upset   外加厚

EWP – Electric work permit 电作业许可


FCP – Final Circulating Pressure   最终循环压力

FH – Full hole  满眼,贯眼

Fin. – Finish 完成

FL – Filtrate loss 滤失

FTG – Footage 进尺

FPH – Footage per hour 每小时进尺

FIT – Formation integrity test 地破压力测试

FYI – For your information   供参考

F/C – Float collar 浮箍

F/V – Float valve 浮阀

F/S – Float shoe 浮鞋


GAL – Gallon   加仑

Gel – 静切力

GM – General Manager   总经理

G/W – Gross weight 毛重


HCR – hydraulic control remote 远程液控

HHP – Hydraulic horsepower 水马力

Hi-vis – High viscosity 高粘

HP – High pressure 高压  Hydrostatic pressure 静液柱压力  Horsepower 马力

HPHT – High-pressure high-temperature 高压高温

HWP – Hot work permit 热作业许可

Hrs. – Hours 小时

HWDP – Heavy Weight Drill Pipe   加重钻杆


IADC – International Association of Drilling Contractors    国际钻井承包商协会

IBOP – Inner BOP 内防喷器

ICP – Initial Circulating Pressure   初始循环压力

ID – Inside diameter 内径

IEU – Internal & external upset 内外加厚

IF – Internal flush 内平扣

INC. – Inclination井斜

IU – Internal upset 内加厚


JB – Junk basket 打捞杯

JNT – Joint 单根

JSA – Job safety analysis 工作安全分析


KN – Knot 节 或千牛

KS – Keyseat 键槽

KOP – Kick-off point 造斜点


LB – Libra=Pound   重量单位

LCM – Lost circulation material   堵漏材料

LITH – Lithology 岩性

LOT – Leak-Off Test   地漏测试

LO/TO – Lock-out/Tag-out 锁定牌(维修中)

LP – Low-pressure 低压

LPM – Liter Per Minute    升/分钟

LPR – Lower pipe ram 下半封闸板

LTA – Last time accident 上一次事故

LTI – Lost time injured   工伤损耗

LTC – Long thread connection 长圆扣

LWD – Logging while drilling   随钻测井

L/D – Lay down 甩下


MAASP – Maximum Allowable Annular safety Pressure  最大允许环空压力

MD – Measured depth   测量深度

MEMW – Maximum equivalent mud weight   最大当量泥浆比重

MPI – Magnetic Particle Inspection    磁粉探伤

MSDS – Material safety data sheet 材料安全数据表

MUT – Makeup torque 上扣扭矩

MWD – Measuring while drilling 随钻测量

MW – Mud weight 泥浆比重

M/U – Makeup 上扣


NBS – Near-bit stabilizer 近钻头扶正器

NDT – Non-destruction test 无损探伤

NMDC – Non-magnetic drill collar 无磁钻铤

NP – Neutral point 中和点, non-programmed 设计外的,计划外的

NPC – Non-magnetic pony collar 无磁短钻铤

NTP – (N toolpusher)night toolpusher夜班队长

N/D – Nipple down 拆卸(防喷器,采油树)

N/A – Non-applicable   不适用的

N/U – Nipple up 安装(防喷器,采油树)

N/W – Net weight 净重


OBM – Oil-based mud 油基泥浆

OBS – Observe 观察

OD – Outside diameter 外径

OH – Open hole 裸眼


P&A – Plug and abandon 填井,弃井

PBTD – Plug back total depth 人工井底

PDM – Positive displacement motor 螺杆,容积式马达

PG – Pressure gradient 压力梯度

PIC – Person in charge 负责人

PJSM – Pre-job safety meeting 工作前安全会

PKR – Packer  封隔器

P/N – Part number 零件号

POOH – Pull Out Of Hole   起钻

PPE – Personal protective equipment 劳保

PPG – Pound per gallon   磅每加仑

Ps – Static pressure   静压力

PSI – Pound Per Square Inch    磅

PTW – Permit to work 工作许可

PV – Plastic viscosity 塑性粘度

P/T – Pressure test 试压

P/U – Pick up 上扣


Q – Flow rate   流量

QHSE – Quality health safety environment


REG – Regular 常规扣 at regular intervals  regular meeting, irregular meeting

RH – Rat hole 大鼠洞

RIH – Run In Hole   下钻

RM – Rig manager 平台经理 reaming 划眼

RMR – Reamer 划眼器

RKB – Rotary kelly bushing   磙子方补心

ROP – Rate of penetration   机械钻速

RPM – Revolution per minute 转速(转/分钟)

RSS – Rotary steerable system 旋转导向系统

R/D – Rig down 拆卸

R/U – Rig up安装


SCBA – Self-contained breathing apparatus  正压呼吸器

SCR – Silicon Controlled Rectifier    可控硅

SD – Shut down 关闭 sand 含砂

SICP – Shut-in Casing Pressure   关井套压

SIDPP – Shut-in Drill Pipe Pressure  关井立压

SNG – Single  单根

SO – Slack off    下放遇阻

SOW – Slip on weld 卡瓦焊接式(套管头)

SPM – Strokes per minute   泵冲数

SPP – Standpipe pressure   立管压力

SS – Shock sub 减震器

SSSV – Sub-surface safety valve   井下安全阀

STB – Stabilizer   扶正器

STC – Short thread connection   短圆扣

STDS – Stands   立柱

STK – Stroke    冲数

SWL – Safe Working Load    安全工作负荷

SX – Sacks   袋

S/N – Serial number 序列号


TBG – Tubing   油管

TCA – Tubing and casing annulus   油套环空

TD – Total depth   总井深

TDS – Top drive system   顶驱

TOC – Top of cement    水泥返高

TOF – Top of fish   鱼顶

Torq. – Torque 扭矩

TFA – Total flow area    总流量面积

TVD – Total vertical depth    垂直总深


UPR – Upper pipe ram   上半封闸板


VIS – Viscosity   粘度


WBM – Water-based mud    水基泥浆

WC – Water content   含水 Water cut   水侵

WL – Water loss    失水 wireline   电线

WOB – Weight on bit   钻压

WOC – Wait on Cement    候凝

WOO – Wait on order   待命

WOW – Wait on Weather (water)  等候天气(水)

WT – Weight 重量

w/, t/, F/ – with, to, from


XO – Crossover joint/sub   配合接头


YP – Yield point    屈服值,动切力